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Brian J. Waidelich
Brian Waidelich is a Research Scientist at the China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division of CNA, a nonprofit research and analysis organization headquartered in Arlington, VA. His research interests include politics and security in East Asia, with a focus on maritime and space issues involving China and Japan. Brian has authored and supported studies at CNA on topics including the mobilization of civilian ships in support of maritime contingencies, Chinese professional military education, and China’s space program. He has published articles through CNA’s “InDepth” series on Japanese views of cross-Strait security, the multinational delivery of humanitarian aid to Tonga, and great power rivalry in Pacific Island countries. Brian has also published book chapters and articles through U.S. Army War College, East Asia Forum, and the Jamestown Foundation on topics such as the Chinese military’s use of civilian education resources, China’s commercial space program, and Chinese satellite internet development.
Brian attended graduate school at Georgetown University, where he received an M.A. in Asian Studies with a concentration in Politics and Security of East Asia. He also previously studied at George Mason University (receiving B.A.’s in Chinese and English) and at the Nanjing University of Science and Technology (where he studied Mandarin Chinese). He speaks Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish.