The Flow of Time: A Discussion of Okinawa’s History
YCAPS Community Conversation (Okinawa)
25 January 2025 – 14:30-16:30 (JST)
YCAPS is delighted to announce the next event in the Community Conversations seminar series in Okinawa! Dr. Michelle Fukuyama of The University of Maryland Global Campus will lead us in a discussion of Okinawa's History.
In 1956, Okinawan folk singer Rinsho Kadekaru wrote the song, “Jidai no Nagare” (“The Flow of Time”). The most famous lyrics of the song roughly translate to:
From the Chinese era to the Japanese era
From the Japanese era to the American era
This Okinawa has mysteriously changed
These lyrics of this song succinctly describe the shifts in control that have shaped modern day Okinawa Prefecture. Through a discussion and analysis of the history of the Ryukyu Kingdom and Okinawa Prefecture, participants will come to better understand how Okinawa’s complex past shapes modern day culture and attitudes.
Registration: Optional via this Google Form.
- 14:30-15:15 Refreshments & Networking (food & drinks)
- 15:15-16:30 Presentation and Q&A
Vessel Hotel Campana Okinawa
〒904-0115 Okinawa, Nakagami District, Chatan, Mihama, 9−22
Dr. Michelle Fukuyama is the owner and lead guide of Laughing Shisa Tours, an Okinawan based tour guide company focusing on historical tours of Okinawa’s past. She also is an adjunct assistant professor for the University of Maryland Global Campus, teaching the history of the Ryukyu Kingdom and Okinawa Prefecture. She received her PhD in 2023 from the University of the Ryukyus. Her research focuses on cultural exchange during the period of American control of Okinawa (1945-1972).
Format: This event will be off-the-record.
Moderators: Luc Maccioni
Seminar Cost: Free of chargeRegistration: Optional via this Google Form