• EU-Taiwan Cooperation in A New Geopolitical Reality

    Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue, 16 October, 18:30 (Tokyo)

    Graphic of the new Indo-Pacific Dialogue seminar on October 16

    YCAPS is happy to invite Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy for our latest Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue to present on EU-Taiwan relations. Brussels has secured a place for “Taiwan as a partner” in its political discourse. This dynamic can’t be understood in a vacuum. It is important to situate the relationship in the larger geopolitical picture, particularly considering the implications of China’s support to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Taiwan has also sought to better position itself vis-à-vis Europe by engaging member states, in particular in Central Eastern Europe, and by engaging the EU as a bloc. Ultimately, however, beyond a Taiwan-friendly European Parliament and a more assertive European Commission, it is the extent to which member states are willing to engage Taiwan and push back against an assertive China that matters most. So far, member states’ political will has been half-hearted only. Questions remain on how to expand cooperation in a way that both increases the EU’s role in shaping Taiwan’s future and empowers Taiwan to exercise agency. Taiwan’s geo-strategic relevance is likely to grow in the Indo-Pacific, a region of great significance to the EU’s own interests. Protecting these will require a more engaged Europe. Dr. Ferenczy will also present on her recently published book, "Partners in Peace. Why Europe and Taiwan Matter to Each Other." In her book she explores how global dynamics, in particular the China-Russia strategic alignment, are shaping EU-Taiwan relations in the framework of the Indo-Pacific.


    YCAPS is glad to partner with Temple University Japan’s Institute of Contemporary Asian Studies to deliver this opportunity. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Stephen Nagy.



    Please Bring a photo ID upon reception.

    Please use This Link to RSVP for in-person attendence.





    Temple University Japan Campus, Room 611

    1-14-29 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo






    Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy is Affiliated Scholar at the Department of Political Science of Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Associated Research Fellow at the Institute for Security & Development Policy (ISDP Stockholm), Head of the Associates Network at 9DASHLINE and Fellow at Agora Strategy, Munich. Based in Taiwan, Zsuzsa is Assistant Professor at the National Dong Hwa University in Hualien. Between 2008 and 2020 Zsuzsa worked as a political advisor in the European Parliament. In May 2019 she published her first book, “Europe, China, and the Limits of Normative Power”. Zsuzsa is a regular commentator in international media outlets. She tweets at @zsuzsettte


    Cost: Free of charge

    Moderator: Dr. Stephen Nagy

    Format: This event will be off-the-record. Questions are encouraged.

    Registration: Required via this Link.