With the start of the new year, YCAPS is excited to continue expanding the Allied Security Practitioners Exchange Network (ASPEN). The objective of ASPEN is to build a cohort of Alliance security professionals who share trusted social bonds forged by common professional development experiences. The ASPEN initiative aims to provide the foundation and forum necessary to foster a culture of growth and collaboration through a series of workshops and social events in Japan. Shared experiences, life-long learning, and fellowship are crucial to the strengthening the foundations of US-Japan relations.
We invite interested individuals to join ASPEN. Applications are open now! Our next event will be an informal dinner held on 25 January in Yokohama. If you’re interested in attending, please fill out the ASPEN Membership form, here. Applications will be approved on a rolling basis, so don't delay!
Membership is open to Japanese and American security professionals with at least 3 years of experience. This includes government officials, military/SDF officers, coast guard officers, police, employees of defense industries, defense contractors, and security-focused academics. Junior- to mid-grade professionals are especially welcome. Participation will be in personal capacity. Military/SDF personnel will not use ranks or wear uniforms at ASPEN events. Membership is free, but individuals will need to register via an online form.
Apply via this online form.
For questions please contact Nick Millward, ASPEN Community Manager at nick@ycaps.org
ご興味のある方はぜひASPENにご参加ください! 対象は、日米の安全保障分野で3年以上の経験を持つプロフェッショナルが対象です。これには、政府関係者、軍人・自衛隊員、海上保安官、防衛産業従業員、防衛請負業者、警察官、安全保障を専門とする学者が含まれます。特に、若手のプロフェッショナルを歓迎します。参加資格は、あくまでも個人です。軍/自衛隊員は、ASPENのイベントで階級を使用したり、制服を着用することはありません。会員登録は無料ですが、オンラインフォームからの登録が必要です。
こちらのオンラインフォームからお申し込みください。online form
ご質問は、ASPENコミュニティ・マネージャー、ニック・ミルワードまで nick@ycaps.org