YCAPS is excited to share that on October 26th, the Allied Security Practitioner Exchange Network (ASPEN) held its inaugural event. With over 30 security practitioners from across the region, brilliant minds came together on board the Mikasa Memorial Ship in Yokosuka. The workshop included an overview of the role of the Mikasa ship, the history of the US-Japan alliance, and sessions examining the communication and control networks necessary in the event of a regional conflict. The discussions were lively as many of the participants had never experienced this type of decision-making workshop previously.

This event brought together a diverse group of practitioners with ranging expertise, from across the US and Japanese forces, to network and engage with experts on security challenges faced by the US-Japan alliance. Noteably the workshop included representatives from all three branches of the Self-Defense Force, four branches of the US military, the Japan Coast Guard and both allies' civilian defense establishment. During the workshop, participants exchanged insights and opinions, based on their experiences, regarding how the US-Japan Alliance could strengthen capabilities in the face of rising tensions. After the workshop, the ASPEN members and facilitators enjoyed an evening out, building relationships and exchanging ideas on future events. We are hopeful these new friendships will result in ASPEN-sponsored activities across Japan. We look forward to building upon this foundation, in order to strengthen the grassroot-friendships between the Allies!

For questions please contact Nick Millward, ASPEN Community Manager at nick@ycaps.org