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Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue on Russia’s Domestic and International Policies and its implications for the Indo-Pacific Region

Mr. Konstantin von Eggert, MBE, spoke to an online audience for a webinar which was part of the YCAPS-JICUF Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue series.

By William Winberg

YCAPS was pleased to invite Mr. Konstantin von Eggert, MBE, to our July Indo-Pacific Policy Dialogue to discuss the implications of Russian foreign and domestic policy on the broader Indo-Pacific region. The dialogue focused on Russia's recent deepening ties with North Korea, its strengthening relationship with China, and its overall efforts to destabilize the international order based on the rule of law, including its military aggression in Eastern Europe. This session provided policymakers, scholars, and enthusiasts with a valuable opportunity to gain deep insights into the intricate dynamics of Russian politics and its specific impact on the Indo-Pacific region.

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During the session, Mr. von Eggert engaged with the audience by answering numerous questions, fostering an interactive and enlightening discussion. This allowed attendees to delve deeper into the subject matter and explore specific aspects of recent Russian policies, further enhancing the session's value.


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