By Mori McPherson
On Wednesday, July 17th 2024, YCAPS hosted a seminar in Fussa as part of YCAPS' Community Conversations Series. The night's guest speaker, Lieutenant Colonel John Wright, presented on Military Hegemony and security seeking behavior among Indo-Pacific States. The attendees savored refreshments and gelato while connecting with each other and the guest speaker.

Lieutenant Colonel John Wright, explored Military Hegemony where nation-states prioritize security driven by innate territorial instincts. He discussed that much is impossible without security and so, humans have come up with law and security frameworks while defining conquest as asserting control over unclaimed territory. Wright's view on what makes a great power was determined by how measurable and durable a state is. He stated that threats are everywhere, big and small, meaning one can never be too safe and secure. Wright wrapped up the seminar by explainging how these Indo-Pacific states are claiming territory, not land but waters. Although international waters are considered untouched, these Indo-Pacific states are claiming maritime space as territory to increase their security.

For more information, see Lieutenant Colonel John C Wright's recent book, Military Hegemony: The Search for Security Through Conquest.