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YCAPS Members in Okinawa Discuss Ryukyuan and Okinawan History with Dr. Michelle Fukuyama

YCAPS Community Conversations

On Saturday, January 25th, 2025, more than 15 participants joined YCAPS for a seminar and discussion on Okinawa’s history. Dr. Michelle Fukuyama, an adjunct assistant professor for the University of Maryland’s Global Campus led the workshop focusing on Okinawa’s history from the Ryukyu Kingdom until 1972. Particular focus during the discussion was on the lives of Okinawans during World War II and the subsequent period of United States control over prefectural affairs.

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The Q&A session following the seminar was lively with audience members asking many questions about life in Okinawa immediately following the war, distinctions between the cultural identities of mainland Japanese versus Okinawan-born people, and how Okinawans currently view the current geopolitical situation in the Indo-Pacfiic region.

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Before and following the event, attendees networked and discussed seminar topics while enjoying food brought by YCAPS team members. YCAPS once again extends a warm thank you to the speaker and all attendees for their time and we look forward to holding our next event!

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