By Jeff Mazziotta.
On Wednesday, November 13th 2024, YCAPS featured Dr. Chisako T. Masuo of Kyushu University in Sasebo, where she gave a seminar on China's Maritime Strategy and Taiwan. We were also joined by Dr. John Bradford who acted as a disscussant. This event was part of the YCAPS Community Conversations series. An energized group of over 26 partipants from the Sasebo area enjoyed a wide-ranging discussion along with snacks and drinks while connecting with each other and the speaker.

Dr. Masuo looked at some recent examples that help to understand the current situation in the region such as the February 2024 collision of a Chinese fishing boat and a Taiwanese Coast Gaurd vessel near Kinmen Island and how its been a steady increase of pressure by China in the region since then.
Dr. Masuo then prompted the audience to ponder future possibilities in the region inclding the possibility of a change in Chinese policy regarding Taiwan or how China's action may impact future international relations in the Indo-Pacific.
After Dr. Masuo's excellent presentation, YCAPS Executive Director add his own thoughts to these pressing topics, adding another perspective and helping to drive a question and answer session alongside of Dr. Masuo and the YCAPS members in attendance.