Scott Edwards, YCAPS’ inaugural Free and Open Indo-Pacific Fellow, recently represented the organization at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) Exhibition held from May 23-27 in Langkawi, Malaysia. During LIMA, Malaysia’s Ministry for Transport, Malaysia Marine Department, and the Maritime Institute of Malaysia co-organised the International Maritime Conference. Its aim was to provide government agencies, maritime experts, academics, policymakers, and other stakeholders the opportunity to discuss and share a deeper understanding of the concept of resilient maritime in Southeast Asia towards improving maritime hard and soft connectivity as it is beneficial for the regional economy.

Dr. Edwards participated in the first panel ‘Global trade and shipping trends’ where he discussed the risks associated with shipping industry growth, patterns of connectivity, and technological advances. He shared the stage with Prof. Zhang Renping (Dalian Maritime University) and Dr. Eva Pejsova (Brussels School Of Governance). A second panel on ‘Global Security in SEA Maritime’ featured Vice Adm. Pradeep Chauhan (National Maritime Foundation), Gregory Poling (CSIS), and Prof. Dr Adam Leong Kok Wey (National Defence University Malaysia).
Dr. Edwards also introduced the work of YCAPS to a wide range of practitioners and policymakers, including YB Anthony Loke Siew Fook (Malaysia’s Minister of Transport), YB Mohamad Hasan (Malaysia’s Minister of Defence), and YAB Anwar Ibrahim (Malaysia’s Prime Minister).By speaking at the conference, Dr. Edwards reinforced YCAPS mission to generate research that can inform how global players can be made resilient towards an evolving maritime seascape.