On March 30, 2022, YCAPS hosted Yurika Ishii, an Associate Professor at the National Defense Academy of Japan, to speak at our Indo-Pacific Maritime Hour about her new book titled Japanese Maritime Security and Law of the Sea. The webinar was moderated by John Bradford, Executive Director of YCAPS, and joined by over 80 participants.
Yurika began her presentation with an overview of key sections from her book, including the legal basis for Japanese maritime forces’ use of force under different conditions, the Japanese government’s position on straits covered by territorial seas, and the overseas deployment of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force. During the follow-on Q&A session, she responded to questions including differences between the missions of defending Japan and maintaining the public order, the Japanese government’s approach to dispatching maritime forces to the Senkaku Islands, and the future of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
-By Brian Waidelich for YCAPS