• Japan's Economic Security Strategy

    Getting to Know Japan Webinar (via Zoom) -- Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 10:00 (JST)

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    According to Japan's latest National Security Strategy, the security environment surrounding Japan is at its "most severe and complex in the postwar era." A robust economic security strategy has emerged as a central component of Japan's efforts to respond to its new strategic reality. However, even as Japan has emerged as a key international leader on economic security, it faces distinct challenges in translating its strategic ambitions into tangible strategic gains. This edition of "Getting to Know Japan" will provide an overview of Japan's central economic security dilemma, discuss notable successes of Japan's economic security strategy, and identify key challenges that Japan will face in the years ahead.




    To join use this link to register with Zoom

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    This event is a part of YCAPS' "Getting to Know Japan Series".





    Mr. David Parker is a Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington and a PhD candidate at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo. His research focuses on the comparative economic security strategies of the United States, Japan, and the PRC and on the political economy of strategic technologies, supply chains, and economic security. Mr. Parker has more than a decade of experience working on economic security issues in the private sector and as a think tank researcher. He holds a BA from Tufts University and an MA from American University. He lives in Tokyo and speaks English and Japanese.



    Format: This event will be recorded and published in our web archive. Questions are encouraged during the live event.

    Registration: Required Link
    Moderator: Jeffery Mazziotta

    Webinar Cost: Free of charge